
Uncategorized Try and Try Again When you’re buying a house, sometimes you may not get the first one you put an offer on. It can be totally disappointing, BUT there will be more properties and the next one or the next next next next one may be better than the first. It may take some time, but we will find a home. 🙂 Contact […]
Uncategorized Homeownership Has Its Benefits
Uncategorized I’m Smart Home Certified! This afternoon, I became Smart Home Certified. Cool, right?! But how does that help you? Well, I found that when looking for a home, 81% of buyers are more likely to choose a Smart Home over one that doesn’t have any Smart features. It may be easier AND cheaper to add these devices instead of changing out other items because your […]
Uncategorized DIY Cleaning Tips from Martha Stewart The one and only Martha Stewart put together a list of cleaning supplies you can make yourself. Click on the photo to find out how you can make these cleaners…
Uncategorized Target Giveaway Hey! At the end of this month my office is doing a drawing for Target gift cards. The grand prize is $1000. There’s also $500, $200 or $50 cards. Yayyy! If you haven’t already signed up for a chance to win, you can click on the below link to sign up OR message me your […]
Uncategorized September Home Sales It’s great that rates are so low!! Check out this article… Contact me for more info that you can find below. 🙂
Uncategorized Inspecting The Inspection Just about every house, no matter if newly-built or fifty-years old, will have something come up on a home inspection. Here’s some of the typical things.  
Uncategorized Homes for Dogs ELK GROVE ANIMAL SERVICES OPENING!! Such a cool event! The grand opening will be next Saturday (10/12).   Click on the below picture of @IcleFlora_Velma for more info.
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Uncategorized No Place Like Home for Californians https://www.car.org/en/marketing/clients/infographics/No%20Place
Uncategorized 20 Frequently Misused Words Found this today on Good Housekeeping. I definitely forget the difference between farther and further. Because I don’t remember which one, I usually just say “this house seems further farther away from the street”. This way I know one will be right. HeeHee! Thanks Good Housekeeping for helping me know to use farther for distance. Tap the below and […]
Uncategorized When Buying A Home With A Pool This just came from Pentair, so I wanted to share… The 5 Things to Look for When Buying a Home with a POOL
Uncategorized Check Out the Fall/Winter Activity Guide Check out this helpful Activity Guide that will put everything happening in and around our community this season conveniently at your fingertips. Use this Fall/Winter Activity Guide to fill your calendar with fun – then head out on your next adventure! You can search by AREA or CATEGORY. Enjoy and Follow the FUN!! 🙂
Uncategorized Motivated Millennials
Uncategorized Choosing the Right Home Looking for the right home can be a daunting process for first time buyers and seasoned vets alike. From the style of the house to the type of appliances, there are countless factors that can go into such a big purchase. The following short checklist outlines the most important things you should think about when […]
Uncategorized 3 Tips for a Higher Home Appraisal It may seem that homebuyers and sellers don’t agree on much, but they share one important concern: that the transaction is successful. This comradery is never more evident than during the appraisal process. It’s only natural, since the results of the appraisal can send the deal spiraling out of control. Appraisers take into account many […]
Uncategorized Surviving the Remodel
Uncategorized Homeownership Achieved
Uncategorized Financial Milestone Markers
Uncategorized California is HOT
Uncategorized Don’t Fall Victim to Wire Fraud